Swabia, which was a medieval dukedom, was located in southwestern Germany. In the 1st century, Swabia was settled by the tribe of the Sueben who came from central Germany and drove the Celts to Gaul (France). After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Germanic Alemans from the north and the Bajuvaren from the east entered the region. These tribes were in turn defeated by the Franks under Clovis in 496.
The dukedom of Swabia was formed in the 10th century. It was ruled by the Hohenstaufen family between the 11th and 13th centuries, when the counts of Wuerttemberg took control. Two other imperial dynasties also came from Swabia: the Hapsburgs and the Hohenzollerns, who were the Kings of Prussia and the last German emperors until 1918. Today, the area is called Baden-Württemberg.